Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance Of Self-Adving Practices Of Dementia

The positive results of the study did however suggest that providing education and problem-solving strategies was beneficial for promoting self-efficacy in the experimental group whereas there was no change in the control group. Even though caregivers rated burden as higher closer to their loved one’s death, they felt better prepared for coping with the situation with the CARE intervention implemented, similar to the results of the TAILORED study by Sulmasy, et al., (2017) regarding decision making at the end of life. The researchers encouraged further randomized studies within more diagnostic groups to promote â€Å"self-efficacy†, or one’s beliefs in his/her ability to achieve a goal, to reduce stressors and perceived burdens as a caregiver†¦show more content†¦It is hypothesized that COPE would have the potential to improve outcomes for patients with dementia and their caregivers, related to health concerns, while maintaining cost effectiveness. Th e program would involve ten in-home visits with an Occupational Therapist (OT) and one in-home, plus one telephone contact (conversation) between the primary caregiver and an advanced practice nurse. The program would last approximately four months followed by questionnaire style interviews and rating forms as well as functional assessments of the patients. Because both functional disability and physical and emotional strain from caregivers predict higher nursing home admissions, the researchers suggest that the COPE program would defer or at least delay nursing home placement of dementia patients given added support and training for caregivers in the home environment. Per the 2016 article, this specific experiment has not been completed with the intended population as of yet, though the pilot study was hopeful. Researchers encourage the continued proposal to be followed through with hopes that functional interventions for managing patients with dementia and their caregivers stre ss will become an evidence based practice to be applied to the growing population of the cognitively impaired. The New York University Caregiver Intervention program (NYUCI), developed

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