Thursday, October 31, 2019
Population Sustainabiltiy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Population Sustainabiltiy - Essay Example At this current rate, the world is quickly becoming overcrowded, a fear that many countries are trying to handle before it is too late. There are a number of negative impacts that are brought on by human overpopulation. The greatest of these impacts is that human overpopulation is causing a quicker depletion of resources. In countries that are already overcrowded, some natural resources are harder to come by and difficult to accommodate everyone. Career and educational opportunities are also scarce as everyone attempts to obtain them. Overpopulation also leads to a rise in poverty and homelessness as Earth runs out of space to contain everybody. Overpopulation of humans gradually comes to a point where there is not enough of anything for everybody. As a whole, the world is facing an overpopulation of human beings. The amount of babies being born is significantly greater than the amount of people dying; the correlation between the two is almost nonexistent. Nevertheless, there are som e countries that are facing an opposite condition: a drastic decline in the overall number of people. Among them are Germany and Italy, countries that face very low birth rates and an aging population. There is a continuous decline in their population. Because of this decline, these countries stand a better chance at achieving a sustainable society. A sustainable society is defined by the ability to maintain a society that can progress without devastating setbacks in the near future (Chapman, 2000). They have less people to accommodate, and therefore need less. However, having a smaller population is only the beginning. There are policies that countries like Germany and Italy can follow to ensure a sustainable society. One such policy is to strengthen the ethics of caring for the community, which would require sharing the benefits and cost of resource use and environmental conservation. If development is managed, threats toward the survival of other species and habitats is eliminate d. Another policy is to grow economically; given the current recession, it is easy to see how economic failure can effect the possibility of a sustainable society. Job availability is rare, making it difficult for people to survive. A third policy is to minimize the depletion of finite resources by using less of them and finding infinite alternatives. There are some downfalls that come with underpopulation as with overpopulation. With underpopulation comes an abundant amount of resources. This may seem like a benefit, but resources need to be paid for. If a society lacks the people to pay for the resources that they need, it becomes difficult to maintain the resources (Zuckerman, 1996). In this case, too much is not a good thing; less is more. Countries like Germany and Italy may be set for a while, but resources will eventually become unaffordable, and the towns and cities risk dying out. Were it not for immigration and migration, which helps boost economies, cities in these countr ies would cease to exist. References Chapman, A. R. (2000). Consumption, population, and sustainability. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. Dobkowski, M. N. (2011). On the edge of scarcity (2nd ed.). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. Zuckerman, B. (1996). Human population and the environmental crisis. Boston: Jones & Bartlett
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How the media programs present important political issues Essay
How the media programs present important political issues - Essay Example Through the media networking capabilities, new information can rapidly be disseminated through the broadcasts as compared to the traditional mass media. These shows allow particularly politicians to develop individualized and personalized campaigns, of which are more or less detached from the partyââ¬â¢s campaign.They also allow candidates and their political parties to inform citizens directly unlike the past when they used to be the agency to critique, mediate, and interpret on their behalf. Although many citizens have access to radio and T.V, many use them for entertainment purposes. Even if they listen or watch these shows, they tend to already have an initial interest in politics, the politician or the party. These therefore make the programs to get interrupted to satisfy these needs by following these shows with entertainment and social utility programs. In a bout of these shows from the different media outlets, the popular topics of discussion within the politics field include areas such as the Congress, election issues, presidential job approvals, taxes, political parties, moral issues and favorability and very little will be discussed about the economic status of the country even though this is the major concern amongst viewers and listeners. A major study conducted by Joan Shorenstein Center on Press, public policy and Politics found that the level of peoples knowledge about candidates position rose and fell later was based on the degree at which these media shows covered important issues .
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Paneles Solares
Paneles Solares RESUMEN EJECUTIVO El uso de las energà as renovables ha venido a disminuir, el uso de los combustibles fà ³siles como fuente de obtencià ³n de energà a. El suministro de energà a a partir de fuentes diversificadas y seguras, de forma econà ³micamente admisible y ambientalmente compatible, resulta esencial para la implementacià ³n de la prà ¡ctica del desarrollo sostenible de un paà s. En ese sentido, este proyecto contribuye con el requerimiento de un cuidadoso equilibrio entre los aspectos sociales, econà ³micos y ambientales. Su implementacià ³n contribuye a la reduccià ³n del impacto econà ³mico que ocasionan los combustibles importados en la economà a nacional, asà como la reduccià ³n deà emisiones de CO2 que contribuye a los gases de efecto invernadero, como consecuencia el cambio climà ¡tico y los SO2 y los NOX que originan la lluvia acida. El incremento de concentraciones atmosfà ©rica de CO2à como consecuencia del empleo de combustibles fà ³siles, tiene una contribucià ³n en el incremento del efecto invernadero natural existente en el mundo. Por ello, se hace necesaria y urgente la reduccià ³n de las emisiones de este gas, presente de forma natural en la atmà ³sfera. El desesarrollo del proyecto pretende potenciar el uso de la energà a solar, utilizando paneles solares de tubos de vacio como fuente de energà a renovable como una forma de sustituir los combustibles fà ³siles utilizados en calderas por energà a mà ¡s limpia y segura para el medio ambiente. Tomando en consideracià ³n el, las reducciones de las emisiones Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio estipulado en el protocolo de Kyoto sobre las y la sustitucià ³n de combustible importado, el proyecto se enmarca dentro de objetivos de las leyes de Incentivos a las Elegà as Renovables y la de Competitividad y Innovacià ³n Industrial, dentro de una estrategia de contribuir a la sostenibilidad y la competitividad del aparato productivo nacional. En ese sentido, la Escuela de la Ingenierà a Quà mica de la UASD, cuya esencia es la aplicacià ³nà deà Ingenierà a de Procesos para la identificacià ³n de mejoras que contribuyan a la innovacià ³n y competitividad, cumple con su obje tivo de aportar a sector productivo nacional. I. INTRODUCCIà ³N Este proyecto inicia como una alternativa para el uso de la energà a solar y el potencialà para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, por el uso de combustible fà ³sil en calderas para evaporar agua y ser utilizada posteriormente en el proceso de produccion Halka Industrial. Para realizar el proyecto se tomà ³ como opcià ³n la disponibilidad de la energà a solar en el paà s. Para su la realizacià ³n se enfocà ³ la atencià ³n sobre la investigacià ³n en las tecnologà as existentes para convertir la energà a solar en energà a tà ©rmica. Se llegà ³ a la conclusià ³n que la mejor opcià ³n debido a la mayor eficiencia que presentan la constituà an los llamados paneles solares de tubo de vacà o, por los que estos fueron la tecnologà a seleccionada para la ejecucià ³n del proyecto. 1.1-OBJETIVOS ÃË Objetivo general Reducir los costos de operacià ³n de Halka Industrial y promover el uso de la energà a solar en los procesos industriales para la sustitucià ³n de combustibles fà ³siles importados que impactan la economà a nacional y contribuir a la reduccià ³n de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Objetivos Especà ficos Presentar el presente proyecto para la obtencià ³n del titulo de Ingeniero Quà mico Introducir la transferencia de tecnologà a en la para el aprovechamiento de la radiacià ³n solar a travà ©s de paneles les solaresà de tubos de vacà o para el calentamiento de agua usada en el proceso Halkada Industrial Oporurtunidad para aplicar a los incentivos previstos en las leyes de Incentivos a las Energias Renovables y de la Innovacià ³n y Competitividad Industrial Aplicacià ³n del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) del Protocolo de Kyto para aplicar a los bonos de carbono por la reduccià ³n de emisiones de combustibles fà ³siles. 1.2-JUSTIFICACIà ³N La energà a solar es sin duda la fuente de toda la vida en el planeta tierra es la responsable de todos los ciclos de la naturaleza, la responsable del clima, del movimiento del viento, del agua y del crecimiento de las plantas Y la mà ¡s econà ³mica. Las energà as renovables son una realidad que precisa de una constante demanda de profesionales cualificados debido al auge en la utilizacià ³n de tecnologà as limpias. La energà a solar es la energà a producida por el sol y que es convertida a energà a à ºtil por el ser humano, ya sea para calentar algo o producir electricidad (como sus principales aplicaciones). El aprovechamiento de esta energà a, para calentamiento de agua, con un sistema de paneles solares de tubos de vacà o puede reducir las emisiones de gases contaminantes grandemente. 1.3-APORTACIà ³N Reduccià ³n de los costos de operacià ³n de Halka Industrial Contribucià ³n a la reduccià ³n de gases de efecto invernadero Reduccià ³n del uso de combustible fà ³sil importado. Innovacià ³n en el uso de energà a de energà a limpia procedentes de recursos locales Econà ³micamente rentables. Incremento en la eficiencia del proceso de produccià ³n de Halka Industrial. 1.4-ANTECEDENTES Las energà as renovables han constituido una parte importante de la energà a utilizada por los humanos desde tiempos remotos, especialmente la solar, la eà ³lica y la hidrà ¡ulica. La agua y las disposiciones constructivas de los edificios para aprovechar la del sol, son buenos ejemplos de ello. Con el invento de la motores tà ©rmicos y elà ©ctricos, en una à ©poca en que el todavà a relativamente escaso consumo, no hacà a prever un agotamiento de las fuentes, ni otros problemas ambientales que mà ¡s tarde se presentaron. Hacia la dà ©cada de energà as limpias, y por esta razà ³n fueron llamadas energà as alternativas. Actualmente muchas de estas energà as son una realidad, no una alternativa, por lo que el nombre de alternativas ya no debe emplearse. Segà ºn la Comisià ³n Nacional de Energà a espaà ±ola, la venta anual de energà a del Rà ©gimen Especial se ha multiplicado por mà ¡s de 10% en Espaà ±a, a la vez que sus precios se han rebajado un 11%. En Espaà ±a las energà as renovables supusieron en el aà ±o 2005 un 5,9% del total de energà a primaria, un 1,2% es eà ³lica, un 1,1% hidroelà ©ctrica, un 2,9 biomasa y el 0,7% otras. La energà a eà ³lica es la que mà ¡s crece. II. MARCO TEà ³RICO 2.1-FUNDAMENTO DE LA ENERGà A SOLAR Existen dos formas principales de utilizar la energà a solar, una como fuente de calor para sistemas solares tà ©rmicos. La otra como fuente de electricidad para sistemas solares fotovoltaicos. En este proyecto vamos a trabajar con la energà a solar tà ©rmica como una fuente de calor. La energà a solar tà ©rmica se debe a la transformacià ³n de la energà a radiante solar en calor o energà a tà ©rmica. La energà a solar tà ©rmica se encarga de calentar el agua en formaà directa alcanzando temperatura que oscila entre los 40à y 50 gracias a la utilizacià ³n de paneles solares. El agua se calienta, la cual es almacenada para su posterior consumo: calentamiento de agua de usos industriales, calentamiento de agua de proceso, calefaccià ³n de espacios, calentamiento de piscinas, secaderos, refrigeracià ³n etc. La energà a solar tà ©rmica utiliza la energà a que recibimos del sol para calentar un fluido. 2.2-MECANISMO DE DESARROLLO LIMPIO(MDL) El objetivo del MDL es que las naciones industrializadas inviertan en proyectos para disminuir las emisiones en los paà ses en desarrollo a fin de compensar las que no lograron reducir en su propio territorio. Este mecanismo permite proyectos de reduccià ³n de emisiones entres paà ses industrializado y paà ses en desarrollo. Por medio de este mecanismo una entidad o gobierno de un paà s industrializado invierte en un proyecto de reduccià ³n de emisiones en un paà s de desarrollo. A cambio el paà s industrializado recibe Certificados de Reduccià ³n de Emisià ³n (CER). 2.3-BENEFICIO DE PARTICIPAR EN UN PROYECTO MDL Entre los beneficios que se le otorgan por participar en un proyecto MDL està ¡n: El MDL puede proporcionar ingresos adicionales en forma De CER al proyecto, el cual puede ser econà ³micamente viable con el uso. El MDL contribuirà ¡ al uso de energà as renovables en lugar del uso de las energà as no renovables, lo cual contribuye a la seguridad energà ©tica de un paà s El uso de algunas de las tecnologà as de reduccià ³n de emisià ³n podrà ¡ incrementar la productividad mediante el logro de ahorro de energà a y materias primas. Aplicacià ³n de tecnologà as de reduccià ³n de emisià ³n de GHGs mediante el MDL puede ser tambià ©n una medida de solucià ³n de varios asuntos de contaminacià ³n ambiental. 2.4-BONOS DE CARBONO Los bonos de carbono son un mecanismo internacional de descontaminacià ³n para reducir las emisiones contaminantes al medio ambiente; es uno de los tres mecanismos propuestos en el Protocolo de Kioto para la reduccià ³n de emisiones causantes del calentamiento global o efecto invernadero (GEI o gases de efecto invernadero). El sistema ofrece incentivos econà ³micos para que empresas privadas contribuyan a la mejora de la calidad ambiental y se consiga regular la emisià ³n generada por sus procesos productivos, considerando el derecho a emitir CO2 como un bien canjeable y con un precio establecido en el mercado. La transaccià ³n de los bonos de carbono ââ¬âun bono de carbono representa el derecho a emitir una tonelada de dià ³xido de carbonoââ¬â permite mitigar la generacià ³n de gases invernadero, beneficiando a las empresas que no emiten o disminuyen la emisià ³n y haciendo pagar a las que emiten mà ¡s de lo permitido. Las reducciones de emisiones de GEI se miden en toneladas de CO2 equivalente, y se traducen en Certificados de Emisiones Reducidas (CER). Un CER equivale a una tonelada de CO2 que se deja de emitir a la atmà ³sfera, y puede ser vendido en el mercado de carbono a paà ses Anexo I (industrializados, de acuerdo a la nomenclatura del protocolo de Kyoto). Los tipos de proyecto que pueden aplicar a una certificacià ³n son, por ejemplo, generacià ³n de energà a renovable, mejoramiento de eficiencia energà ©tica de procesos, forestacià ³n, limpieza de lagos y rà os, etc. En un esfuerzo por reducir las emisiones que provocan el Protocolo de Kyoto. Para cumplir se està ¡n financiando proyectos de captura o abatimiento de estos gases en paà ses en và as de desarrollo, acreditando tales disminuciones y considerà ¡ndolas como si hubiesen sido hechas en su territorio. Sin embargo, los crà ticos del sistema de venta de bonos o permisos de emisià ³n, argumentan que la implementacià ³n de estos mecanismos tendientes a reducir las emisiones de CO2 no tendrà ¡ el efecto deseado de reducir la concentracià ³n de CO2 en la atmà ³sfera, como tampoco de reducir o retardar la subida de la temperatura. Segà ºn el estudio de Wigley, 2050, o reducirà ¡ la temperatura predicha para ese aà ±o en 0,06à ºC, o sino retrasarà ¡ la fecha en que deberà a cumplirse el aumento dicho en 16 aà ±os. 2.5-IMPACTO AMBIENTAL Se entiende como el efecto que produce una determinada accià ³n humana sobre el medio ambiente en sus distintos aspectos. El concepto puede extenderse, con poca utilidad, a los efectos de un fenà ³meno natural catastrà ³fico. Tà ©cnicamente, es la alteracià ³n de la accià ³n antrà ³pica o a eventos naturales. Las acciones humanas, motivadas por la consecucià ³n de diversos fines, provocan efectos colaterales sobre el medio natural o social. Mientras los efectos perseguidos suelen ser positivos, al menos para quienes promueven la actuacià ³n, los efectos secundarios pueden ser positivos y, mà ¡s a menudo, negativos. La Declaracià ³n de Impacto ambiental (DIA) es la comunicacià ³n previa, que las leyes ambientales exigen bajo ciertos supuestos, de las consecuencias ambientales predichas por la evaluacià ³n. 2.6-PROTOCOLO DE KIOTO El Protocolo de Kioto sobre el cambio climà ¡tico[] es un acuerdo internacional que tiene por objetivo reducir las emisiones de seis gases provocadores del azufre (SF6), en un porcentaje aproximado de un 5%, dentro del periodo que va desde el aà ±o 2008 al 2012, en comparacià ³n a las emisiones al aà ±o 1990. Por ejemplo, si la contaminacià ³n de estos gases en el aà ±o 1990 alcanzaba el 100%, al tà ©rmino del aà ±o 2012 deberà ¡ ser del 95%. Es preciso seà ±alar que esto no significa que cada paà s deba reducir sus emisiones de gases regulados en un 5%, sino que este es un porcentaje a nivel global y, por el contrario, cada paà s obligado por Kioto tiene sus propios porcentajes de emisià ³n que debe disminuir. El protocolo de Kioto sobre el cambio climà ¡tico es un acuerdo internacional por objetivo reducirà las emisiones de seis gases provocadores del calentamiento global: Dià ³xido de carbono (CO2), gas metano (CH4) y oxido nitroso (N20), ademà ¡s de tres gases fluorados: Hidrofluorocarbonos (HFC), Per III. FUENTES DE ENERGà A 3.1-ENERGà A ALTERNA 3.1.1-CONCEPTO APLICADOS A LAS FUENTES DE ENERGà A Una energà as o fuentes energà ©ticas actuales, ya sea por su menor efecto contaminante, o fundamentalmente por su posibilidad de renovacià ³n. El consumo de energà a es uno de los grandes medidores del progreso y bienestar de una sociedad. El concepto de crisis energà ©tica aparece cuando las fuentes de energà a de las que se abastece la sociedad se agotan. Un modelo econà ³mico como el actual, cuyo funcionamiento depende de un continuo crecimiento, exige tambià ©n una demanda igualmente creciente de energà a. Puesto que las fuentes de energà a fà ³sil y nuclear son finitas, es inevitable que en un determinado momento la demanda no pueda ser abastecida y todo el sistema colapse, salvo que se descubran y desarrollen otros nuevos mà ©todos para obtener energà a: à ©stas serà an las energà as alternativas. En conjunto con lo anterior se tiene tambià ©n que el abuso de las energà as convencionales actuales hoy dà a tales como el capa de ozono. La discusià ³n energà a alternativa/convencional no es una mera clasificacià ³n de las fuentes de energà a, sino que representa un cambio que necesariamente tendrà ¡ que producirse durante este siglo. Es importante reseà ±ar que las energà as alternativas, aun siendo renovables, tambià ©n son finitas, y como cualquier otro recurso natural tendrà ¡n un là mite mà ¡ximo de explotacià ³n. Por tanto, incluso aunque podamos realizar la transicià ³n a estas nuevas energà as de forma suave y gradual, tampoco van a permitir continuar con el modelo econà ³mico actual basado en el crecimiento perpetuo. Es por ello por lo que surge el concepto del Desarrollo sostenible. 3.1.2 DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE El desarrollo sostenible se basa en las siguientes premisas: El uso de fuentes de energà a renovable, ya que las fuentes siglo XXI. El uso de fuentes limpias, abandonando los procesos de fisià ³n nuclear. La explotacià ³n extensiva de las fuentes de energà a, proponià ©ndose como alternativa el fomento del autoconsumo, que evite en la medida de lo posible la construccià ³n de grandes infraestructuras de generacià ³n y distribucià ³n de energà a elà ©ctrica. La disminucià ³n de la demanda energà ©tica, mediante la mejora del rendimiento de los dispositivos elà ©ctricos (là ¡mparas, etc.) Reducir o eliminar el consumo energà ©tico innecesario. No se trata sà ³lo de consumir mà ¡s eficientemente, sino de consumir menos, es decir, desarrollar una conciencia y una cultura del ahorro energà ©tico y condena del despilfarro. La produccià ³n de energà as limpias, alternativas y renovables no es por tanto una cultura o un intento de mejorar el medio ambiente, sino una necesidad a la que el ser humano se va a ver abocado, independientemente de nuestra opinià ³n, gustos o creencias. 3.1.3-CLASIFICACIà ³N Las fuentes renovables de energà a pueden dividirse en dos categorà as: contaminantes. No contaminantes : El Sol: energà a solar. El viento: energà a eà ³lica. Los rà os y corrientes de agua dulce: energà a hidrà ¡ulica. Los mares y ocà ©anos: energà a mareomotriz. El calor de la Tierra: energà a geotà ©rmica. Las olas: energà a mareomotriz. La llegada de masas de agua dulce a masas de agua salada : energà a azul. Las contaminantes : Se obtienen a partir de la materia orgà ¡nica o transesterificacià ³n y de los residuos urbanos. Las energà as de fuentes renovables contaminantes tienen el mismo problema que la energà a producida por combustibles fà ³siles: en la combustià ³n emiten fotosà ntesis. En realidad no es equivalente la cantidad absorbida previamente con la emitida en la combustià ³n, porque en los procesos de siembra, recoleccià ³n, tratamiento y transformacià ³n, tambià ©n se consume energà a, con sus correspondientes emisiones. Ademà ¡s, se puede atrapar gran parte de las emisiones de CO2 para alimentar cultivos de microcarbà ³n activado. Tambià ©n se puede obtener energà a a partir de los gas natural y de dià ³xido de carbono. 3.2- DIVISIà ³N DE LAS FUENTES DE ENERGà A Las fuentes de energà a se pueden dividir en dos grandes subgrupos: permanentes (renovables) y temporales (no renovables). 3.2.1-NO RENOVABLES Los combustibles fà ³siles son recursos no renovables: no podemos reponer lo que gastamos. En algà ºn momento, se acabarà ¡n, y tal vez sea necesario disponer de millones de aà ±os de evolucià ³n similar para contar nuevamente con ellos. Son aquellas cuyas reservas son limitadas y se agotan con el uso. Las principales son la carbà ³n). 3.2.2-ENERGà A Fà ³SIL Los plancton marino acumuladas en el fondo del mar. En ambos casos la materia orgà ¡nica se descompuso parcialmente por falta de oxà geno y accià ³n de la temperatura, la presià ³n y determinadas bacterias de forma que quedaron almacenadas molà ©culas con enlaces de alta energà a. La energà a mà ¡s utilizada en el mundo es la energà a fà ³sil. Si se considera todo lo que està ¡ en juego, es de suma importancia medir con exactitud las reservas de combustibles fà ³siles del planeta. Se distinguen las reservas identificadas aunque no està ©n explotadas, y las reservas probables, que se podrà an descubrir con las tecnologà as futuras. Segà ºn los cà ¡lculos, el planeta puede suministrar energà a durante 40 aà ±os mà ¡s (si sà ³lo se utiliza el petrà ³leo) y mà ¡s de 200 (si se sigue utilizando el carbà ³n). Hay alternativas actualmente en estudio: la energà a fusià ³n nuclear. 3.2.3-ENERGà A NUCLEAR El nà ºcleo atà ³mico de elementos pesados como el reactor nuclear. Una consecuencia de la actividad de produccià ³n de este tipo de energà a, son los radiactividad. 3.2.2-RENOVABLES O VERDES El sol, origen de las energà as renovables. Actualmente, està ¡n cobrando mayor importancia a causa del agravamiento del balanza comercial que esa adquisicià ³n representa.à ©MICAS Existe cierta polà ©mica sobre la inclusià ³n de la energà a hidrà ¡ulica (a gran escala) como energà as verdes, por los impactos medioambientales negativos que producen, aunque se trate de energà as renovables. El estatus de desechos nucleares cuya eliminacià ³n no està ¡ aà ºn resuelta. Segà ºn la definicià ³n actual de desecho no se trata de una energà a limpia.à A HIDRà ¡ULICA La energà a potencial acumulada en los saltos de agua puede ser transformada en energà a elà ©ctrica. Las centrales hidroelà ©ctricas aprovechan la energà a de los rà os para poner en funcionamiento unas turbinas que mueven un generador elà ©ctrico. La formacià ³n de biomasa a partir de la energà a solar se lleva a cabo por el proceso denominado fotosà ntesis vegetal que a su vez es desencadenante de la cadena biolà ³gica. Mediante la fotosà ntesis las plantas que contienen clorofila, transforman el dià ³xido de carbono y el agua de productos minerales sin valor energà ©tico, en materiales orgà ¡nicos con alto contenido energà ©tico y a su vez sirven de alimento a otros seres vivos. La biomasa mediante estos procesos almacena a corto plazo la energà a solar en forma de carbono. La energà a almacenada en el proceso fotosintà ©tico puede ser posteriormente transformada en energà a tà ©rmica, elà ©ctrica o carburantes de origen vegetal, liberando de nuevo el dià ³xido de carbono almacenado.à A SOLAR Figura 3. Concentradores Solares Estos temperatura en el receptor. Figura 4. Paneles solares Los energà a elà ©ctrica. La energà a solar es una fuente de vida y origen de la mayorà a de las demà ¡s formas de energà a en la Tierra. Cada aà ±o la radiacià ³n solar aporta a la Tierra la energà a equivalente a varios miles de veces la cantidad de energà a que consume la humanidad. Recogiendo de forma adecuada la paneles solares. Mediante centrales tà ©rmicas solares se utiliza la energà a tà ©rmica de los colectores solares para generar electricidad. Se distinguen dos componentes en la radiacià ³n solar: la radiacià ³n directa y la radiacià ³n difusa. La radiacià ³n directa es la que llega directamente del foco solar, sin refracciones intermedias. La difusa es la emitida por la bà ³veda celeste diurna gracias a los mà ºltiples fenà ³menos de reflexià ³n y refraccià ³n solar en la atmà ³sfera, en las nubes, y el resto de elementos atmosfà ©ricos y terrestres. La radiacià ³n directa puede reflejarse y concentrarse para su utilizacià ³n, mientras que no es posible concentrar la luz difusa que proviene de todas direcciones. Sin embargo, tanto la radiacià ³n directa como la radiacià ³n difusa son aprovechables. Se puede diferenciar entre receptores activos y pasivos en que los primeros utilizan mecanismos para orientar el sistema receptor hacia el Sol -llamados seguidores- y captar mejor la radiacià ³n directa. Una importante ventaja de la energà a solar es que permite la generacià ³n de energà a en el mismo lugar de consumo mediante la integracià ³n arquitectà ³nica. Asà , podemos dar lugar a sistemas de generacià ³n distribuida en los que se eliminen casi por completo las pà ©rdidas relacionadas con el transporte -que en la actualidad suponen aproximadamente el 40% del total- y la dependencia energà ©tica. Las diferentes tecnologà as fotovoltaicas se adaptan para sacar el mà ¡ximo rendimiento posible de la energà a que recibimos del sol. De esta forma por ejemplo los sistemas de concentracià ³n solar fotovoltaica (CPV por sus siglas en inglà ©s) utiliza la radiacià ³n directa con receptores activos para maximizar la produccià ³n de energà a y conseguir asà un coste menor por kW/h producido. Esta tecnologà a resulta muy eficiente para lugares de alta radiacià ³n solar, pero actualmente no puede competir en precio en localizaciones de baja radiacià ³n solar como Centro Europa, donde tecnologà as como la Capa Fina (Thin Film) està ¡n consiguiendo reducir tambià ©n el precio de la tecnologà a fotovoltaica tradicional.à A Eà ³LICA La energà a eà ³lica es la energà a obtenida de la fuerza del viento, es decir, mediante la utilizacià ³n de la energà a cinà ©tica generada por las corrientes de aire. El tà ©rmino eà ³lico viene del latà n Aeolicus (griego antiguo / Aiolos), perteneciente o relativo a à ©olo, dios de los vientos en la mitologà a griega y, por tanto, perteneciente o relativo al viento. La energà a eà ³lica ha sido aprovechada desde la antigà ¼edad para mover los barcos impulsados por velas o hacer funcionar la maquinaria de molinos al mover sus aspas. Es un tipo de energà a verde. La energà a del viento està ¡ relacionada con el movimiento de las masas de aire que desplazan de à ¡reas de alta presià ³n atmosfà ©rica hacia à ¡reas adyacentes de baja presià ³n, con velocidades proporcionales (gradiente de presià ³n). Por lo que puede decirse que la energà a eà ³lica es una forma no-directa de energà a solar, las diferentes temperaturas y presiones en la atmà ³sfera, provocadas por la absorcià ³n de la radiacià ³n solar, son las que ponen al viento en movimiento. El aerogenerador es un generador de corriente elà ©ctrica a partir de la energà a cinà ©tica del viento, es una energà a limpia y tambià ©n la menos costosa de producir, lo que explica el fuerte entusiasmo por esta tecnologà a.à A GEOTà ©RMICA La energà a geotà ©rmica es aquella energà a que puede ser obtenida por el hombre mediante el aprovechamiento del calor del interior de la Tierra. Parte del calor interno de la Tierra (5.000à ºC) llega a la corteza terrestre. En algunas zonas del planeta, cerca de la superficie, las aguas subterrà ¡neas pueden alcanzar temperaturas de ebullicià ³n, y, por tanto, servir para accionar turbinas elà ©ctricas o para calentar. El calor del interior de la Tierra se debe a varios factores, entre los que destacan el gradiente geotà ©rmico y el calor radiogà ©nico. Geotà ©rmico viene del griego geo, Tierra; y de thermos, calor; literalmente calor de la Tierra.à A MAREOMOTRIZ Figura 5. Central elà ©ctrica mareomotriz en el estuario del Francia . La energà a mareomotriz se debe a las energà a elà ©ctrica, una forma energà ©tica mà ¡s à ºtil y aprovechable. La energà a mareomotriz tiene la cualidad de ser renovable en tanto que la fuente de impacto ambiental de instalar los dispositivos para su proceso han impedido una proliferacià ³n notable de este tipo de energà a. Otras formas de extraer energà a del mar son la gradiente tà ©rmico oceà ¡nico, que marca una diferencia de temperaturas entre la superficie y las aguas profundas del ocà ©ano. IV- APLICACIONES DE LA ENERGà A SOLAR 4.1 TECNOLOGà A Y USOS Clasificacià ³n por tecnologà as y su correspondiente uso mà ¡s general: Energà a solar pasiva : Aprovecha el calor del sol sin necesidad de mecanismos o sistemas mecà ¡nicos. Energà a solar tà ©rmica : Para producir agua caliente . Energà a solar fotovoltaica : Para producir electricidad mediante placas de semiconductores que se alteran con la radiacià ³n solar. Energà a solar termoelà ©ctrica : Para producir electricidad con un ciclo termodinà ¡mico convencional a partir de un fluido calentado a alta temperatura (aceite tà ©rmico) Energà a solar hà brida : Combina la energà a solar con otra energà a. Segà ºn la energà a con la que se combine es una hibridacià ³n: [3] Fà ³sil . Energà a eà ³lico solar : Funciona con el aire calentado por el sol, que sube por una chimenea donde està ¡n los generadores. La instalacià ³n de centrales de energà a solar en la zonas marcadas en el mapa podrà a proveer algo mà ¡s que la energà a actualmente consumida en el mundo (asumiendo una eficiencia de conversià ³n energà ©tica del 8%), incluyendo la proveniente de 1993 (tres aà ±os, calculada sobre la base de 24 horas por dà a y considerando la nubosidad observada mediante satà ©lites). Otros usos de la energà a solar y ejemplos mà ¡s prà ¡cticos de sus aplicaciones: Huerta solar Potabilizacià ³n de agua Cocina solar Destilacià ³n. Evaporacià ³n. Fotosà ntesis. Secado. Arquitectura sostenible. Cubierta Solar. Acondicionamiento y ahorro de energà a en edificaciones. Calentamiento de agua. Calefaccià ³n domà ©stica. Iluminacià ³n. Refrigeracià ³n. Aire acondicionado. Energà a para pequeà ±os electrodomà ©sticos. 4 .2- ENERGIA SOLAR FOTOVOLTAICA Figura 8. Celda solar Se denomina energà a solar fotovoltaica a una forma de obtencià ³n de energà a elà ©ctrica a travà ©s de paneles fotovoltaicos. Los paneles, mà ³dulos o colectores fotovoltaicos està ¡n formados por diferencia de potencial en sus extremos. El acoplamiento en serie de varios de estos fotodiodos permite la obtencià ³n de voltajes mayores en configuraciones muy sencillas y aptas para alimentar pequeà ±os dispositivos electrà ³nicos. A mayor escala, la red elà ©ctrica, operacià ³n sujeta a subvenciones para una mayor viabilidad. El proceso, simplificado, serà a el siguiente: Se genera la energà a a bajas tensiones (380-800 V) y en corriente continua. Se transforma con un inversor en corriente alterna. Mediante un centro de transformacià ³n se eleva a Media tensià ³n (15 à ³ 25 kV) y se inyecta en las redes de transporte de la compaà ±Ã a. En entornos aislados, donde se requiere poca econà ³micamente viable. Para comprender la importancia de esta posibilidad, conviene tener en cuenta que aproximadamente una cuarta parte de la poblacià ³n mundial no tiene acceso a la energà a elà ©ctrica. 4 .3- CENTROS DE INVESTIGACIà ³N SOBRE LA ENERGà A SOLAR Alemania. Universidad Polità ©cnica de Madrid CIEMAT) Alemania. Estados V. DESCRIPCIà ³Nà Y DISEà ±Oà DEL PROYECTO V . DESCRIPCIà ³Nà Y DISEà ±O DEL PROYECTO La empresa Halka Industrial se dedica a la produccià ³n de cosmà ©ticos como son tratamientos, desodorantes, acondicionadores, entre otros. En algunos de estos procesos se adiciona agua a 25oC como materia prima base y esta se elevaà a una temperatura de 80oC, ya que es a la cual todas las materias primas son fundidas y pueden ser mezcladas. Para mejorar la eficiencia energà ©tica del proceso, se propuso calentar el agua destinada para el producto antes de ser adicionada, y asà disminuir el tiempo de produccià ³n. En esta etapa se realizaron varios escenarios de temperatura y equipos, donde surgieron los tiempos estimados de produccià ³n resultantes de adicionar el agua mà ¡s caliente. Tabla 1. Resultados deà diferentes escenariosà Caldera de 10 HP Escenario 1 Tanque Capacidad Kg Cp agua Camb. Temp. Kcalà Total Kcal/h Tiempo (h) 2 2500 1 kcal/kg oC 25 a 80 oC 137500 84000 1:58 min 7 1500 25 a 80 oC 82500 1:08 min Juntos 3:16 min Escenario 2 Tanque Capacidad Kg Cp agua Camb. Temp. Kcalà Total Kcal/h Tiempo (h) 2 2500 1 kcal/kg oC 30 a 80 oC 125000 84000 1:49 min 7 1500
Friday, October 25, 2019
Aboriginal :: essays research papers
What Wrongs Have White Administrators Done to Aborginal people In The Past? Have all wrong Been Righted? Even though Hardy wrote his book in 1968, he gives a good definition of how the Aborigines were treated in that time. A very bias 'opinion' based difinition of the treatment of Aborigines: "To this day the Aborigine is treated as less than a man, his situation isapalling. His destiny and very identity is decided by his white superiors. He can live only on terms dictated by the people, who despise him. He is paid less, educated less, segregated, rendered landless, discriminated against, insulted, deprived of dignity, his women molested." (Hardy 1968) The Aborgiines have been unfairly treated since European settlement. Children have been taken from their parents, they have been humiliated. They have shot down until not one Aborgine was left in Tasmania. Even though all te worst of it has been over for the Aborigines - but has all wrongs been righted? One of the most inhumane practices of white settlement in Australia would be the taking of the Aboriginal children from their families. Some Aboriginal children were brought up to feel ashamed of their race and heir colour. "In a deliberate and callous attempt to conceal their cultural identity," Aboriginal children were taken from the families an forcibly placed in an institution and were denied further contact with their families. (Aboriginal legal service, 1995 pp ii) For white Australia, the feeling of responsibility, shame, apologetic and sympathetic for what their past people have done to the Aboriginals. The Aboriginals feeling anguished, rejected and feeling in a sence made "different" from the Europeans. "For Aboriginal participants a catharsis for feelings of sorrow and rage, and it encourages as to anticipate that, after generations of neglect, white Australia is finally prepared to own the shame of its past, and to accept the responsibility of effecting real and substancial reparation in the future." (Aboriginal legal service, 1995 pp ii) Aboriginal children in Western Australia were removed from their families until the 1960's. The children were taken from police and 'welfare offices' to be raised as white children for the purpose of assimilation. (Aboriginal Legal Service, 1995 pp ii) Surveys have been conducted from Aboriginal people. They were asked about the effects the assimilation had on them. (See Appendix A) "It is not only the intence impact of removal from families and culture which has contributed to long lasting effects. Life at the missions, faster care, or other institutions was for may a harsh experience which exacerbated the dislocation, alienation, lonliness and pain felt from being rem,oved from families and culture.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Reconstruction Dbq Apush Essay
The era from 1860 to 1877 was a time of reconstruction and revolution in America. Many constitutional developments aided the reform movement, such as the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which granted African Americans voting and civil rights. Though these changes seemed like a step in the right direction, social values such as white supremacy didnââ¬â¢t allow things to go as planned. Despite the fact that African Americans were granted rights on paper, they still werenââ¬â¢t treated equally. Actions of violence from the Ku Klux Klan threatened African Americans. Although slavery was considered abolished, people became partially enslaves due to the Mississippi Black Codes and sharecropping. During reconstruction there were many changes within the laws that granted African Americans rights that they hadnââ¬â¢t previously had. In 1865, many American citizens of African descent claimed that if they were able to be drafted, then they should have the right to vote as well (Doc. C). Soon after, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 provided citizenship to all former slaves and gave them equal rights, equal adherence to laws and rights to protect property. This was by far one of the most revolutionary transitions for slaves because it was a change in legislation (Doc. F). Furthermore, the addition of three new amendments also tremendously changed the lives of African Americans. The 13th amendment abolished slavery, the 14th amendment granted black people citizenship and equal protection of the laws, and the 15th amendment presented universal suffrage. The first black man was reported voting on November 16, 1867 (Doc. G). In addition, the Force Act of 1870 also helped to reinforce the idea that former slaves were to be treated with respect. Anyone who acted against them, specifically forbidding African Americans to vote by threatening them, would be seen as guilty of felony. The Second Force Act of 1871 was a reiteration of the first act, but it expanded further than just voting rights, and anyone who violated the constitutional rights would be found guilty of a high crime. This act was mainly used to stop the actions of the Ku Klux Klan. Although all of the reinforcements were made to help African Americans, there were still manyà issues and disagreements upon the viewpoints of the American people. The point of reconstruction was aimed at helping to preserve the Union. Staying united as a nation was the only way to go about the situation (Doc. B). If all the states separated, more problems would arise as there would be more tension among them. This being so, the union didnââ¬â¢t want to do anything that might cause the south to secede from the nation. They wanted to keep a balance between different areas of the nation. They had satisfied the North by abolishing slavery, but this upset the south as they lost their main source of labor. To deal with this issue, the federal government stated that they had no motive to dictate the matter of suffrage in any state because they didnââ¬â¢t want to upset the south any more, worried that they might secede (Doc. D). A couple years later, the ratification of three new amendments would change that, but at the time being the government didnââ¬â¢t want to risk anything. Discrimination against African Americans was still very big issue in America. The installment of the Mississippi Black Codes created situations very similar to slavery. If someone was under eighteen years old, they would be put into apprentice ship where they would be under the title of a master. They could be persecuted or recaptured if they tried to run away. In addition, freed slaves who didnââ¬â¢t find a job within the year would be fined, and if they couldnââ¬â¢t afford to pay the fine they would be ââ¬Å"lentâ⬠to those who could pay the fine. Another issue that came up was that the government didnââ¬â¢t carry out the promise that freed slaves that they would be able to purchase homesteads. Many former slaves argued that they are free men and deserve to have the same rights as anyone else (Doc. E). Since a lot of former slaves were vagrants and couldnââ¬â¢t afford a homestead, they would follow the system of sharecropping. Tenants would use the landownerââ¬â¢s land to plant crops, and they would pay the owner by giving them a share of the crops. This often became a cycle where the tenant would continuously be in debt, not allowing them to leave the land, almost making them slaves in a certain aspect. Following the Black Codes, the initiation of Jim Crow Laws created segregation between black people and white people. Each race had their own separate facilities and they were not allowed to share or combineà them. There was separation in simple things such as water fountains and restrooms, to more intricate things such as federal workplaces and the US military. As well as segregation between the blacks and whites, there were also acts of violence from groups such as the Ku Klux Klan towards the African Americans. Although, the government did take action against members of the KKK, their actions were still brutal (Doc. H). A political cartoon by Thomas Nast that appeared in Harperââ¬â¢s Weekly on October 24, 1874 shows how the abuse from the KKK was considered to be worse than slavery (Doc. I). Reconstruction was a time of revolution to a certain extent in terms of constitutional developments. The Civil Rights Act, the ratification of three new amendments, and the enforcement of the Force Acts all helped to give African Americans the equality that they deserved and protect them from potential harm. But in a social manner, African Americans werenââ¬â¢t treated as equals and were looked down upon. Instillations of the Black Codes and sharecropping put the recently freed slaves back in almost the same position as they were just recently. Jim Crow Laws created segregation between the two races, separating them with any given opportunity. Groups such as the KKK practiced acts of violence against the black people, seeing them as inferior. So although the ideas of reconstruction were revolutionary, the actions that followed them backfired the plan.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
WeChat: Connect with Friends
Some of the website use their own language, and some use English. The most activity page Is Weight Indonesia; It has more than 800,000 Likes and 63 thousand talking about this. The second one is Weight India. It has more than 747 thousand likes and 7 thousand talking about this. Other pages have about 20 thousand likes. Some activity pages, like India, Malaysia, have different cover pages; but some, like Hong Kong, Australia, have the same cover page and most of the content are the same. If there is a need to separate Faceable by countries, It should every country character.If It makes every hint the same, it Just need one Page. Because It has 1 1 pages, I want to choose two typical ones of them. The Weight India page Is the most activity one. And it almost update twice a day. At first glance, we can see almost every post has picture with Weight icon. It is a good way to give new users the impression of Weight. The photos can help you know what they post. You even have no need to see the worlds up the photos. Weight has a function that people can build fan page in Weight about some topic, which Is Interesting or useful. Then people can get newest Information from that page or we can call It group.On their Faceable, they always post some Weight group, and promote you to follow the Weight ID, Like PER Cinema, or Colors TV. I think the reason why there are not so much replies is also because when people find a group on Weight, they would like to have a talk on Weight. It is a good way to appeal people to use it, but it also needs to create conversation on its Fan page. So that others who do not use Weight can know the opinion from those who use It. Those opinions will be the first suggestion for them to use It or not. To promote Itself, Weight posts their function and explain how to have fun with them.The conversation under this kind of poster has not so much replies, but if some one says he has problem with Weight, Weight will reply him with the solution. I think that is not enough for Weight to have interaction with people. They can lead some interesting topic on Faceable, not only introduce the function or follow some groups. Another one I want to choose Is Weight Taiwan. I choose this one because the posters they have on their Fan page. It not only talk about Weight Itself, It also post the conversation. However, Weight Taiwan does not have so many fans. It is not so activity like Weight India.It may Just post one for one or two days. That will not help it show up in public. Maybe because it is an App, so when people download and use it, they may not pay so much attention on its Faceable. No matter which Fan page, it always do not have so many replies. It is an important point they need to develop. I think when people have more replies and more share on Faceable, other who never heard about it can see. Now Weight is expanding its market, so it needs more activity. Another point I want to mention is that it has 11 Faceable Fan pages, but I think it need a main page for all over the world.Then on the main page, Weight can put the links of different countries. This can help people who do not in these countries can like Weight page and pay attention to what happen. Twitter: The same as Faceable, it also have individual page for different countries. Here is the problem, it do not have a list on its website of all Twitter it has. It has about 146 thousand followers, and it updates frequently. It rewets others' Twitter. Most of them are those people's opinion about Weight, like they can have group talk with friends or he can have free video chat with friend in Beijing.I think it is a very good way to promote their product. In this way, when people want to see the react of Weight and they find its Twitter and see these Tweets, they will think it is a useful and convince App. Here I also want to mention the Weight India. It has fewer followers than its main page, but it has about 10 times tweets. Weight is a Chinese app, wh en it wants to open it foreign market, India is their first choice. Now, India is the second biggest user of Weight, and because China use it own social media, like Webb, Renee. Then India is very activity on its promotion.On Weight India, it wets average 3 times a day. It will post some important event on both Faceable and Twitter with photos. Weight India is the only one has a Weight background picture. From this detail, we know Weight India is doing diligently and attentively. It has hash tag, and people always talk about how they use Weight; or when someone builds a group, he or she may washrag Weight. I think Weight can rewet this kind of tweets. It can help people expand their group, make those who have same interesting come together, also it can tell them use Weight. It can kill three birds with one stone.Not only its own hash tag, it also uses other hash tag to connect with other activities. Blobbing: When I searching its blob, I find it do not have a link to its blob. Final ly, I find All About Weight blob. It does not seem like the official blob post because it has no background, no other information. It looks like very simple and I do not think they pay attention to this platform. Under the title, it has one sentence: now we are here with a link. There Just one more blob, and others are exactly the same. If two places have the same articles, why it need to separate readers to different platform.Some posts re even in Spanish. Spanish is the second language in US, but it can't Just post in Spanish. They can have two posts with same content in different language. The I do not think it can typically representative the main idea. It talks about new emotions for Weight, why it needs to have tagged all, about. The emotions are different, but the tags are the same. At the top, it has a sentence saying: All you need to know about Weight: Readers from 154 countries as of May 2013. Where are the readers? There is no comment, no evidence to provide the dates. An other reason why there is no comment maybe the article is too short.The article is like posts on Faceable, not many words, Just a picture and several words to explain. When people first see on Faceable, they may want to comment, but if they see it again on blob and without any new, they do not want to comment. The article is not ââ¬Å"newsâ⬠for them. As I know from class, Weight India hires writers to writer about Weight every month, maybe the blob is on their country website. Actually I also see articles and news about Weight, but it does not have a specialized platform to collect this article to let people know comprehensive Weight. I find their official blob website, but it is aChinese website. I want to write about it because it has some good points. The articles are formal and have many replies. The Weight team posts these articles. All the topics are people concerned and they like to give opinion about these topic. It does not have tags, but it has classification. Then people can know the article is about function, tips or update. I hope they can work on this platform because from the replies, we can know there are many people following Weight and they must want to now information from official website. It they use it, they also need to change or update some things.It needs IRS or other ways to share the article, and tags for easy to search. Linked: In my point, Linked is a social media for career or company. Weight do not use Linked so well. I find a Weight Marketing Linked page. It has a big problem that it does not use it in English. I think if it wants to open its market, the first thing it needs to change is the language. I also suggest they can have a list of employees, especial like the CEO. Then people can see the size of the company or if they want to find a job in Weight, they can know who need to connect with.Weight almost posts rarely, ND I find some article even with strange pictures. The pictures have noting to do with the topic. In my opinion, the picture is also a media tool, and it can tell people directly. Maybe because the fan page name is Weight Marketing, it Just posts articles about marketing. It should be emphasis marketing, but not only marketing. It also can post the App itself or some interesting things happen with Weight. Under their products and services, there are Just two articles. From my experience of using this product, I think it can have more pages talk about this product specifically.In its Faceable, when it updates its App, it will have a post on Faceable to help people get new function. Linked can help people know what you have, so I think it is important to have a complete introduction of the function. It has Linked group with 161 members, but Just few of them are working at Weight. It is really not an activity group, and the nearest post is amounts ago. Weight need to pay attention to Linked because it is a good social media to promote itself. In its group, it needs to add more employe es and post more about Weight. Otherwise, the members talk try to make friends there.I know most of employees are Chinese, and they do not use Linked. However, if Weight want to have more users, it needs to take full advantage of social media. They can't be stuck by Chinese social media and culture. Youth It has Weight India channel on Youth. It has four parts, Weight TV Ad, Stars on Weight, Weight Global, and Weight Feature Tutorials. In TV Ads part, the most popular video has more than 3 million views, and the average view is 100 thousand. The ads are interesting though it speak Hindi and people also reply they think it's funny and amazing, and they want to use this app.It means the ads do a good promotion. Though I do not understand what they are talking, but I can know the story from their action. Weight use small interesting stories to tell people Weight is a very convince way to communication and many India stars are using it. Each part has about 50 videos. I can't tell whethe r it is lot or litter for it because I think as ad it needs to update and it will have new ads coming. When a new advertising showing up, if it can inform people to use it, then it is successful. Form the reply, we know the video catch audiences attention and they will try this app.I also think it can have a broad let audience put their own video. What does user do with Weight? It also can be interesting. Conclusion I think there has big space to improve its social media. First thing is its website. When people want to know a product. He must go to its website first. In Yacht's website, it does not have all social media it has. It also does not have a list of which countries can use its product. As I mentioned before, it need to have a main page for Faceable, Twitter. On the main page, it should have links to separate pages. The language is also a big problem.Weight tries to be an international app, so it needs to unify its language in English. To translate the media, it Just needs to have language selection at the top. Among all the platforms, I think they use Faceable and Twitter best. They update everyday and have reaction with followers. If I grade this company, I will it a B- or B. As a company, its social media cannot Just about one or two countries. India does very well, the Faceable, Twitter, Youth, and blob. It is activity on these platforms and does an effective promotion. However, in other countries Faceable, they seems like not pay attention to social media.Again the Linked is about the company; maybe costumers will not check Linked. They still need to fill out it. When people access to some technical, they may want to find who produces it, and who are in the team or what do the team create before. It should have a Weight Linked page, not Just marketing page. Its main market is in China, and Chinese has Webb. At first I do think it need to promote it in China because almost every phone has Weight. But now I think whether it is the first communicati on tool in China, it will need promotion and social media. It needs to have something new to keep people sing it.
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